this is one of my all time favorite families!!!! they are one of the first families i took pictures of and i fall more in love with them every year they come back. . .and i just found out they are moving to ALASKA!!
i will miss you so much tia and i hope we can stay in touch. . . you're all so beautiful and the people of alaska are so lucky to get your family.
the kids

we will start with the oldest. . . madaline! everyone in the family looks up to her and she is close to perfect. she is a natural in front of the camera!

then we have andrew the only boy! like any boy i don't think he likes taking pictures but he is always a great sport and will do anything i ask!

next we have eliza. . . who is so adorable i want to squeeze her and bring her home with me! she is so sweet and the camera loves her!

last we have the baby. . .gracie! she unlike the others does NOT like the camera in her face or anywhere she can she it! so i reallly REALLY like a challenge!
so i had to pull out all my jokes, animal sounds and kisses to get some great shots and as you can see i think we won the battle!!

finally we can't forget about mom and dad. they are probably two of the greatest people i have ever met. i will miss you and your family so much and i hope when you move back to utah (i HOPE) we can be next door neighbors. i love you and will never forget you!!!!! good luck on your adventures